To listen to Soulrise Melodies music on iTunes visit: … [Read More...]
Recent News

“At First Light” Videos
We are working to make videos for all the songs on the "At First Light" album. To see the videos we have so far, go to: EnableMeToGrow "At First Light" playlist on YouTube … [Read More...]

“At First Light” Booklet
Video overview of the booklet you can use along with the album "At First Light." Booklet: To download the album, go … [Read More...]

Instrumental Music Now Available
If you would like the instrumental only versions of the "At First Light" songs, you can stream or download them … [Read More...]

Stream our CD for FREE!
Due to the restrictions of movement surrounding COVID-19, we've decided to make our "At First Light" music available for FREE! We hope this will aid teachers of children's classes as well as families … [Read More...]

NEW 40 Song “At First Light” Album
The new CD format now available digitally at: The new CD holds the 40 songs with words (not the instrumental tracks) Beautiful package to give as a gift … [Read More...]

Colouring Competition to Celebrate Re-Launch of “At First Light”
This competition is now closed. Congratulations to Hedieh in Germany for winning the free CD! Her beautiful artwork is below. ~~~~~~~~~~~ We are super excited to be re-launching our CD next … [Read More...]

New Hard Copy CDs Coming Soon!
It has been a long time coming - just over 5 years to be exact - but we are finally getting our CDs printed! We worked for a long time creating the concept for the new cover and working with … [Read More...]

CD Launch Art Exhibition
We have put on two arts exhibitions to celebrate the launch of our CDs featuring children's art from around the world which was created based on the quotation that inspired our music. Featuring … [Read More...]

Behind the Scenes of “At First Light”
Writing the music and recording it was truly a labour of love. Having two small children, we did most of the writing at night after the kids went to sleep. We hired a nanny to watch them while we … [Read More...]

Activities to Go Along with the Music
Radiant Hearts is an online multimedia program aimed at helping families with young children learn Baha’i prayers, memorize short quotations from the Writings of Baha’u'llah, and study spiritual … [Read More...]

The Quotation That Inspired Our Music
This is the quotation that inspired the CD set "At First Light": Every day at first light, ye gather the Bahá’í children together and teach them the communes and prayers. This is a most … [Read More...]